Sports injuries are often caused from overuse and over training, such as runner’s knee or tennis elbow where the player pushes there body to the limit. Sports injuries can also occur due to under training or poor training practices or not wearing the correct training equipment. Not stretching and having a good warm up can also lead to many injuries as the body is not prepared for the exercise. Sports injuries are injuries caused by playing sports. The injuries can vary in severity, from a sprained ankle to a dislocated shoulder or even a complete rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL).
Physiotherapists often see injuries while they are in the acute phase (this is the first 48 to 72 hours). Initially sports injuries should be treated with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation). The sports injury should then be assessed by a physiotherapist who will accurately diagnose and treat the injury. An injury is a setback and is disruptive to normal training routines, so having your injury looked at immediately is important.
One of the important aspects of physiotherapy management is helping you to learn self-care. This may be in the form of exercises, strapping/ bracing, learning how to modify your activity to reduce overstressing your injured part and learning self treatment strategies.